A Practice of Wayfaring
By using multiple publicly available image making machines, being satelite imagery, LIDAR imagery and photographs from ground level. I trace old and abandoned paths and ways that run through the Veluwe where I live, made by countless feet, wheels and hooves of animals. Eroding the top soil. These paths and ways formed in a corresponding relationship with the land. They meander through hills, valleys and around shifting sands. By following these paths, previously travelled by other people and animals, I try to experience how these people and animals in their turn experienced the land. My role is more like a hunter by following a trail rather than that of a navigator, studying a plan.
In the way these pathways came into being, I see a practice of wayfaring. In which the people that inscribed these lines with their movement and attention to the surface of the land, were waiting for the land to reveal itself to them. They reacted to this by pushing into the unknown with every following step. Wich might be in line with the proces of life itself. This proces and experience is vastly different than the experience and the construction of the modern road or city. Where the intention and the complete thought-out design of the developer or architect lays its will and design upon the surface of the land wich in turn influences the experience traveling along these lines by the traveller.

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